iNimation in clay
Erasmus+ project
Lithuania - Catalonia - Turkey - England - Poland - Aland Islands
iNimation in Clay.
To create an animated film involving tutorial films of all the processes explained step by step.
Six countries ,Lithuania,Spain/Catalonia ,Turkey, England, Poland and Aland /Finland,will take part ,involving a total of roughly 160 people directly, not including other stakeholders. The schools are of a varied range of social,economic and cultural backgrounds.
We work through the idea of workshops,tutorial films and presentation days aided by digital tools in order to complete the following steps:
Storyboards, Character building, Scenography, Filming, Sound production and Finale and Exhibition.
We will work in groups and pairs,both within the domestic classroom situation but also internationally across borders.
The pupils will be responsible for the teaching material they produce and wish to share via film. This is centered around co-operation via digital work.
Portfolio work will allow us and pupils to monitor the process. The results we envisage are a complete set of instructional tutorial films including a completed production of an animated film and its process. Via the various computer based platforms can we share our project, its findings and results to various groups around the world.
By working together with local education authorities can we also share findings at local,national and international levels. Stakeholders such as film software companies and film festivals will also help to spread findings to other interested groups. Access to this is something that can be beneficial to all involved for the foreseeable future.
Here you can find our How to do films:
Lithuania: Storyboard tutorial
Catalonia: Modelling with plasticine
Turkey: Building an iPad Stand and Stages Tutorial
England:Character building and Filming a story
Poland: Sound